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Nick Clegg was reported to be considering drastic action inside the coalition over David Cameron’s decision to veto a new EU wide treaty, including the ultimate sanction of withdrawing all niceties such as refusing to smile in cabinet meetings or even shake hands with their coalition counterparts.

Senior Liberal Democrats were said to be absolutely quite miffed by the Prime Minister’s actions and in an illustration of the strength of feeling in the party have threatened an extensive period of serious sulking over the divisive issue:

We would like to underline in the strongest possible terms how we believe the Prime Minister has acted in a thoroughly not very nice way in this matter. The Tories should be under no illusion that this issue goes straight to the heart of our values as Liberal Democrats and that is why they should understand how extremely not very happy we are about it.

When it was suggested there was some speculation about whether the Liberal Democrats might even pull out of the coalition over the issue, Mr Clegg said:

Pull out of the coalition? What? And give up our chauffeur-driven cars and everything? Why on earth would we want to do that?


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