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David Cameron said in a speech yesterday that the unemployed “should stop whinging and get a job.”

It doesn’t take a genius to spot the obvious flaw in the Prime Minister’s logic.

There aren’t any jobs.

But it’s not his fault. He wouldn’t really know all that much about getting a job in the real world, because he’s never had to live in it, has he?

Right from the start he’s been living in a different world to the rest of us.

Did you know that on school sport’s days, Cameron’s primary school always provided three separate toilets: one for the ladies, one for the gents – and one for the chauffeurs? Believe it or not, it’s true.

And it’s also a fact that at the age of 11, Cameron was invited to a classmate’s birthday party – in the US.

The party was for John Paul Getty’s grandson – and began with a trip on Concorde. The party food included caviar, salmon and beef bordelaise. The party drinks –  Dom Perignon ’69 (he was 11 remember).

It’s also been confirmed that just before Cameron’s first job interview at Conservative Central Office,  someone from Buckingham Palace called to recommend David, saying that they were just about to interview “a remarkable young man”.

Cameron is the Queen’s fifth cousin, and he is said to be worth around 30 million.

So with that kind of background and royal recommendations, he obviously thinks it’s as easy for everyone else to get a job.

But don’t just take my word for it about Cameron being an out-of-touch toff who wouldn’t know a P45 from a Ferrari P4/5. After all, I’m just a bitter lefty intent on class war.

Why not have a look at this excellent article I’ve managed to dig out from 2007 by that well known bastion of socialist propaganda, The Daily Mail. I doubt the SWP or Class War itself could have made a better case for …. well ….class war:

‘Dave’ Cameron says he’s in touch with reality…but with so much wealth and blue blood you have to wonder…


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