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(It’s not satire – it’s the Lib Dems!)

As a satirist, I love the Lib Dems.

At the Liberal Democrats’ annual conference which is taking place at the moment, the party leadership has decided delegates won’t be debating the flat-lining economy because it would take more than 30 minutes to discuss it!

I absolutely swear to you – cross my heart and hope to die – I’m not making this up.

The party’s Soviet sounding ‘federal conference committee‘ has refused to allow an emergency debate on jobs, growth and how to get the economy moving because they said they only had half an hour to spare for the debate.

Well yes, considering the recent loss of the UK’s AAA rating and an unprecedented triple-dip recession on its way – I imagine it would take the Liberal Democrats more than 30 minutes to sort out the mess they and their Tory coalition partners have been making of the economy over the last 2 and a half years. Don’t you?


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