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(not satire – it’s the Lib Dems!)

Nick Clegg has announced the Liberal Democrats are to veto government plans to introduce mandatory jail sentences for people found guilty of repeated possession of a knife.

In the interest of balance, here are some of the other things the Liberal Democrats didn’t bother to veto during their time in government:




Did I miss anything?


Related articles by Tom Pride:

Lib Dem endgame as party pushed into 5th place behind Greens

Lib Dems beaten by Lord Biro from the Bus-Pass Elvis Party in by-election!

SIZZLING sexy Lib Dem calendar – HOTTEST Lib Dems of 2014!

Lib Dems use taxpayers’ money to suppress report into second sex harassment case

Oops! Guardian accidentally gets a headline wrong about the Lib Dems. Again.

Lib Dems poll fewer votes than the Pirate Party in by-election (not satire!)

Nick Clegg to Lib Dems – “Prepare for Oppositionment!”

Nick Clegg announces plan to revive party fortunes by nailing his scrotum to the floor

Scientists finally discover function of Nick Clegg

All Lib Dem MPs in England and Wales to be microchipped by 2015

Coalition split after Tory minister says UK ‘peppered’ with too many wind-powered Lib Dem MPs

Revealed! Nick Clegg’s secret love going back to his student days

Nick Clegg Sells Principles To Debenhams


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