
Rupert Murdoch  is already facing criticism for the content of his tweets after just less than a few weeks on Twitter.

The famous octagenarian media mogul and owner of newspaper titles such as the Sun in the UK as well as Fox News in the US, has been criticised by his over 80,000 twitter followers for not having tweeted even one pair of tits since he started.

As one of Murdoch’s tweet readers explained:

I’m extremely disappointed in the complete lack of tits in Mr Murdoch’s tweets. He should know the only reason people read anything he publishes is to get a good pair of tits on page 3.

A spokesperson for Mr Murdoch denied the Australian billionaire was using social media in order to improve his public image after his disastrous handling of the hacking scandal which enveloped his media empire during 2011:

Mr Murdoch would love to tweet some tits, but it’s hard when you only have 140 characters or less to do it in.

Mr Murdoch has faced other criticisms in his time short time on Twitter. He has already been censored by the microblogging platform after being found to have been listening into the voicemail messages of some of the people he wanted to follow. A spokesperson for Twitter explained:

We pointed out to Mr Murdoch that to ‘follow’ someone simply means to receive updates of their tweets, not to sit outside their houses taking pictures of them through their curtains as they get undressed or to rifle through their bins.

Mr Murdoch also seemed confused when it came to Twitter’s advice that users should ‘report’ any one found to be spamming. The Twitter spokesperson explained:

We explained to Mr Murdoch that when we say spammers should be ‘reported’, all he needs to do is inform us about them not pay a transexual to make up stories of cocaine-fueled nights of passion with them.

For all his difficlulties, Mr Murdoch says he wants to continue using Twitter and is even thinking of extending his tweeting to some of his more famous print titles. His spokesperson explained:

Mr Murdoch is thinking of having a daily tweet of the Sun. After all, the amount of real news in it could easily fit into less than 140 characters.


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