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Mounted police officers and City bankers to tackle outbreaks of fire in the capital

London Mayor Boris Johnson has announced plans for the Metropolitan Police to clamp down on any serious outbreaks of fire in London this summer with the use of water cannon, baton charges from mounted police officers and containment of out-of-control flames by kettling.

The hardline approach to tackling rioting gangs of house fires comes after the Mayor was heavily criticised for going ahead with the closure of 10 fire stations and the loss of 552 firefighters across the capital.

A spokesperson for the Mayor said scaremongering by critics that cuts to frontline fire fighting services would put the public in danger was irresponsible:

We have ordered extra water cannon and patrols of armed police who will not hesitate to open fire on any criminal blazes that think they can get away with targeting innocent homes and businesses.

The spokesperson added Mr Johnson had also received assurances from bankers in the City of London that they are prepared to do everything they can to help fight outbreaks of fire in the capital by smothering the flames with the enormous piles of cash bonuses they’ll be able to pay themselves if the government only promises to cut their taxes again.


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