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(not satire!)

Claire Perry, the MP – who strongly campaigned for the introduction of website filters to internet websites – has had her website blocked by the same filters.

This of course neatly illustrates what some of us were saying about this stupidest of stupid ideas by David Cameron over a year ago.

Apart from the fact that anyone who wants to look at porn can easily get round the filters – and the fact that there are even free applications available now for your tablet or phone to help you do just that automatically – organisations that help to protect children such as ChildLine, the NSPCC and the Samaritans have also had their websites blocked by the filters.

For a long time I’ve been thinking the UK has become a perfect example of a Plutocracy – rule by the rich – or perhaps it might be a good example of an Anemocracy– rule by whim.

But now examples like this are starting to make me think it might just be a plain old-fashioned IDIOCRACY we’re living in.


Related articles by Tom Pride:

Singaporean hacker creates free program to bypass Cameron’s internet censorship

How Cameron’s plans to block on-line porn could also block political sites

Satire like Porn? How 3UK are bringing Chinese-style political censorship of web to UK

How media hacks are desperately trying to keep up with social media – and failing

State of civil liberties in the UK – call an MP a coward and face jail

Facebook censors political satire after complaint from JobCentre Plus


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