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(not satire – it’s ConDemNation today)

A firm which was set up by two Tory donors and won contracts worth £73m from the coalition government to find work for unemployed people has exactly one advertisement for apprenticeships on its website.

Just one. For the whole of the UK.

ESG (employment and skills group) has a section on its website for vacancies. On it there is just a single vacancy for the whole of the UK – for a ‘salon assistant’ at a hairdresser’s in the north west.

There are no vacancies at all for any of the other regions of the country – including London and the whole of Scotland:

You can have a look at the website for yourself here.

And you can read the whole sleazy story of ESG and the Tory donors here.

Actually – to be honest – there are a couple of other jobs advertised elsewhere on ESG’s website. Jobs working for ESG itself.

Not surprising really as they must have plenty of taxpayers’ money left over from their £73m to spend on salaries for their own staff.

Mind you, this question does rather spring to mind:

How many staff do you need to help you keep track of just one vacancy?


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