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Before we start I have to make a declaration of interest here: I’m a heterosexual man.

This is relevant because it explains why not only had I not even heard of the so-called ‘thigh gap’ before I read about it in an article today but it also explains why I have great difficulty understanding what the fuss is all about now that I have heard of it.

For all those other people like me who haven’t got the faintest idea what I’m going on about when I say ‘thigh gap‘ – apparently for some reason it’s not OK these days for women’s thighs to touch each other.

This absolute nonsense is obviously an invention of the fashion industry – an industry run mainly by gay men and heterosexual women, who perhaps because they prefer men’s shapes don’t seem to have the faintest idea about what actually constitutes attractive physical attributes in a woman.

As an illustration of this, I was greatly confused by a video I saw recently about how a model is photo-shopped as I actually preferred the ‘before’ picture much, much more than the final photo-shopped finished picture.

Surely women are meant to have some curves? They’re meant to have rounded thighs, stomachs, bottoms. Women are meant be like that because that’s how they were made. And I’m quite sure most heterosexual men would agree with me when I say that’s exactly what we find attractive and like about women’s shapes. 

I can’t speak for lesbians but I suspect many of them would agree with me about that too.

Perhaps it’s about time the fashion industry started listening to heterosexual men more. And lesbians too.


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