Theresa May’s new partners the Democratic Unionist Party has links to loyalist paramilitary organisations in Northern Ireland.

But the links are not all in the distant past of the Northern Ireland ‘troubles’.

In 2015 – just two years ago – the loyalist paramilitary group the UDA attacked a community worker with hammers in his home in front of his wife and children.

His crime? Objecting to paramilitary thugs taking over community facilities in his village.

In 2016, two members of the terrorist organisation the Ulster Defence Association were charged and found guilty of the attack.

The leader of the UDA is a thug called Dee Stitt – who served eight years in prison for conspiracy to murder and possessing a gun.

Despite his criminal and violent past, Stitt is very close to DUP leader Arlene Foster – who has refused to condemn him:

Dee Stitt, pictured with Northern Ireland First Minister Arlene Foster

And, of course, Foster and her extremist DUP friends and UDA thugs are now very, VERY close to Theresa May:

Do me a favour.

Hunt down and publicly share this information with any right-wing tabloid hack or Tory MP or supporter who criticised Jeremy Corbyn for trying to persuade the IRA to lay down their arms.

Thank you.