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Ed Miliband has tried to confront the growing concerns about his leadership qualities by specifically seeking to refute the charge that he is not a good enough speller to lead Labour.

The serious criticisms of Mr Miliband’s lack of typing ability have come after the Labour leader had mispelled the word ‘blockbuster with an ‘a’ instead of an ‘o’ on Twitter.

The scandal comes hot on the heels of another controversy involving Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington Dianne Abbot, who had also got into trouble for a tweet when she told one of her followers that white people love playing crap party games such as hide and seek, divide and rule and charades.

Nadhim Zahawi, a Conservative MP, called on the Labour leader to step down over his poor typing skills:

Mr Miliband’s mispelling is clearly racist – why didn’t he mistype the word ‘blockbuster’ as ‘whitebuster’? He should apologise for his lack of balance when making spelling mistakes and resign.

Mr Miliband issued a statement apologising for his insensitive typing errors on the subject of TV entertainment:

I have always campaigned against discrimination of any kind and I categorically believe all TV shows have the right to be treated equally. I apologise therefore for any offence my poor spelling may have caused to the multitude of trivia quiz show hosts who make such an important contribution to the fabric of British society.


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