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(satire – barely)

Q&A: facts about the UK’s energy trafficking cartels

UK population caught in the crossfire as 200 people a day are killed in a vicious war between ruthless energy cartels over profits from the lucrative energy trafficking business

What is the scale of the violence?

Keeping track of deaths at the hands of the brutal gas and electricity trafficking gangs is difficult. The UK government issued partial figures on 11 January 2012 which showed two hundred people a day are dying in Britain during the winter at the hand of the most ruthless energy cartels such as British Gas, SSE and Npower.

Who are the most powerful cartels?

There are 6 major cartels which control the trafficking and supply of energy in the UK, a business that is worth an estimated $13bn (£9bn) a year. Their power grew as subsequent UK governments stepped back from state control of energy and allowed the ruthless organisations – run by brutal ‘chiefs’ who are only interested in the enormous profits which can be made – to seize complete control over the multi-billion pound gas and electricity trafficking industry.

Alliances shift between the main gangs as they vie for control of energy trafficking routes. Experts argue that there are now two main players: the British Gas Cartel (also known as Centrica) which made £2.4billion in profits last year – and the SSE Cartel. Security agencies, in a January 2012 report, said that British Gas were the biggest and most cut-throat cartel in terms of geographic presence.

Who controls the most powerful cartels?

The shadowy and sinister ‘chief’ of the British Gas cartel – Phil ‘El Lazca’ Bentley is said to pay himself personally as much as £2 million a year from the money his organisation extorts from innocent people who are often threatened with freezing to death if they refuse to pay up.


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