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(satire – possibly)

Italian fascist, Paolo Di Canio has attacked what he called the “vicious and personal accusations” against him that he is manager of Sunderland football club and insisted: “I do not support the ideology of Martin O’Neill.”

Reports of the Mussolini sympathising Di Canio’s appointment as Sunderland manager has prompted a wave of criticism from fascists all over the country.

As a result of his appointment, the leader of the British National Party Nick Griffin immediately resigned from his position as a Nazi, and the far-right English Defence League wrote to the club to attack the decision as an “insult to skinheads from all over the country who support fascism”.

Di Canio refused to confirm or deny whether he was Sunderland manager at a news conference on Tuesday but has previously stated he is “a football manager but not a Sunderland one”.

In a statement on a far-right website, Di Canio said:

I have been deeply hurt by suggestions that I could be the manager of Sunderland football club.

Fascism is a historic and proud ideology and to read and hear some of the vicious and personal accusations that I might be the manager of such a crap football club like Sunderland is painful.


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Aidan Burley complains about lack of Nazi theme in ‘leftie’ Olympic ceremony

Oops! The Daily Mail accidentally supports a fascist party. Again.

Turmoil in Far-Right Golden Dawn After Members Discover Greeks Not Actually All That White

Nazi Regrets ‘Offensive’ Tory Party

How many degrees of separation between the EDL and the Tory Party?


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