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In a new policy of open government, the Conservative government has decided to open up its entire archives of top secret documents to the public, including material of a confidential and sensitive nature.

The open government drive, led by Number 10’s Senior Cabinet Minister Oliver Letwin was hailed by David Cameron’s top policy adviser Oliver Letwin, as:

a positive step in line with the government’s priority of reducing government waste.

Mr Letwin has proposed using special containers for government documents, to be known as ‘bins’ which will be strategically placed in public places such as parks. Government documents will be regularly placed in the containers, a process known as ‘dumping’.

Members of the public will be able to rifle through the bins whenever they want.

Tory MPs said the news of Mr Letwin’s unorthodox idea of disposing of government correspondence was totally in keeping with a politician who has a reputation for radical ideas.

Mr Letwin’s previous policy ideas have included telling MPs to hide from the public during general elections, allowing burglars to enter people’s homes in the middle of the night and banning people from Sheffield from going abroad.