Since coming to power, the Tories have been granting permission for wealthy landowners and developers – many of whom are Tory Party donors – to kill native British wildlife – including robins, starlings, bats, badgers (of course), beautiful hen harriers and other rare species.

This war on our native British wildlife by the Tories has been happening under the radar – a gradual ratcheting up of a low intensity conflict against wildlife which includes granting obscure licences to developers to cull rare species or simply turning a blind eye to the illegal slaughter of birds of prey by grouse shooting landowners.

The latest moves are much bolder – the possible granting of licences for grouse shooting estates to kill rare birds of prey because their wealthy owners are worried they may be ‘interfering’ with their blood ‘sport’.

Eagles have been targeted.

Robins and starlings have been targeted.

Bats have been targeted

Falcons have been targeted.

Hen and Marsh Harriers have been targeted, as well as others.

The question is – how long will this slaughter continue before decent British people wake up, stop doffing our caps and say enough is enough and tell the Tories and their wealthy pals to get their bloodstained hands off our wildlife?

Sharing this blogpost or any of the links below may go some way to waking some people up and stopping this appalling destruction of our natural heritage:

The undeclared war being waged on Britain’s wildlife by wealthy landowners

Grouse moor owners want licences to kill marsh harriers

When are we going to stop doffing our caps and put a stop to the slaughter of our native wildlife?

The grouse shooters aim to kill: the first casualty is the truth

How wealthy landowners are destroying Britain’s wild birds – and getting away with it

Grouse moors ‘to blame for Scotland’s disappearing raptors’

The real reason the Tories are allowing the destruction of robin eggs and nests

This cash for grouse scandal shows how Britain has become a plutocrats’ paradise

Elite and tabloid press – fresh from attacking Britain’s wild birds – now turning on bats