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(not satire – it’s the Tories!)

There shouldn’t be too much surprise that the Independent and the Standard – which are both owned by Russian oligarch Alexander Yevgenievich Lebedev – have come out in support of the Tories:

Why the surprise? Here’s why the Independent supports the Tories:

Because David Cameron has already gifted his Russian benefactors with the possibility of buying their way into the country:

From Russia with £1million: The UK’s Investor Visas

Of course, a governing UK political party being bankrolled by Russian oligarchs isn’t something the British electorate – or MI5 – would be all that keen on I’d imagine.

So I’m not surprised the Tories have been trying desperately to hide the identities of the people who attended their fundraising dinner last year.

That’s because – after Brits – Russians were the most representative nationality at the fundraising event.

According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the list of ultra-rich Russians and eastern Europeans who attended the party fundraiser included:

Alexander Temerko (Russia)

Tatanya Korsakova (Russia)

Andrei Borodin (Russia)

Vasily Shestakov (Russia)

Alexander Kuznetsov (Russia)

Alex Nekrassov (Russia)

Andrei Kliamko (Belarus)

Darko Horvat (Slovenia)

Obviously, it’s always possible that all those dodgy Russians and their mates who are handing over their millions to David Cameron’s party won’t be expecting anything in return for their beneficence.

Fingers crossed.

Tories desperately try to hide their close links to Putin and his United Russia Party

And London Mayor Boris Johnson has also been busy making dodgy Russian friends of his own:

Here’s a Russian spy with his ‘good friend’ Boris Johnson

Добро пожаловать в Великобританию!


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