(not satire – it’s Nick Clegg!)

The following are all facts.

At exactly the same time Nick Clegg was at Cambridge, records show someone by the name of N.Clegg joined the Cambridge University Conservative Association between 1986 and 1987.

Clegg however maintains he has “no recollection whatsoever” of joining the association.

After university, Clegg worked for Tory MP and Thatcher’s former Home Secretary, Leon Brittan in his private office, as his speech writer and adviser.

And after the 2010 general election, Nick Clegg unnecessarily went into a coalition with the Conservative Party when he could have accepted a looser Confidence & Supply arrangement between the two parties.

Since then Clegg has accepted virtually every policy suggestion of the Conservative Party, despite none of them being in his own party’s manifesto – including tax cuts for the rich, introduction of secret courts and the destruction of the NHS – and helped make them law.

And now Clegg looks set to narrowly retain his seat in Sheffield Hallam on Thursday solely on the back of Tory voters backing him tactically in order to defeat the 2nd placed Labour candidate.

Tory voters have no qualms about backing Clegg, because they instinctively view him as one of their own.

And of course, they would be absolutely right.

Because Clegg is – and always has been – a Tory.

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