David Cameron’s top adviser Steve Hilton has called for Theresa May to resign just days before the election over her responsibility for cuts to front-line emergency services:

Hilton however was immediately attacked by Tory MP Nadine Dorries who put the blame fairly and squarely on Cameron and Osborne for the disastrous cuts:

Of course, Theresa May was Home Secretary under Cameron and Osborne when she made drastic cuts to frontline emergency services:

For the last seven years we have seen drastic cuts by the government to all of our emergency services:

The police:

Police forces all face major budget cuts

Watchdog says police cuts have left forces in ‘perilous state’


96% of hospitals have nurse shortages

Fire fighters:

Firefighter shortage blamed for shocking number of fire engines out of service


Shortage of paramedics in London

Ambulance services face paramedic shortage this winter

Accident & Emergency:

Almost half of NHS authorities to cut hospital beds and third to close A&E

Yet Theresa May claims there is enough money to give tax breaks to billionaires:

Tories’ £1bn inheritance tax giveaway will help just 26,000 wealthy families

Theresa May also said after the latest terrorist attacks: “enough is enough”.

Most sensible people would absolutely agree.

Enough of her cuts to our essential services!