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(not satire – it’s the UKIP!)

Nigel Farage’s campaign manager in South Thanet – Martyn Heale – is a former branch organiser for the far-right skinhead organisation the National Front.

He was only allowed to remain a UKIP member after he maintained he “sincerely” regretted his membership of the neo-nazi organisation.

So why then – hidden deep inside an article in the London Review of Books – is Heale now defending the National Front?

Here are a couple of extracts from the LRB interview with Heale:

In view of Ukip’s insistence that it isn’t a racist party, I thought Heale might be defensive, or embarrassed, or apologetic, about having been a member of the NF in 1978. To my surprise, he came to its defence. “There’s been an attempt by many people to associate the National Front with the far right,” he said, “but that’s not fair, that’s not true.”

“It was a bit of a social club.”

a social club?

a social club?


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