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BUSINESS Secretary Vince Cable has been caught paying the taxman as much as £25,000, The Sun, owned by tax exile Rupert Murdoch has revealed.

Dr Cable, who as business secretary has persistently managed to avoid doing anything to stop tax evasion by large companies and individuals, voluntarily paid the money on his personal earnings to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.

According to The Sun and other newspapers owned by tax exiles, Dr Cable’s actions have made a mockery of his reputation as a member of a cabinet of tax evaders.

The revelations of willing tax paying have led to the odds of Dr Cable being the next minister to leave the cabinet being cut from 14/1 to 8/1.

Dr Cable raked in a fortune from TV appearances, newspaper columns, book deals and after-dinner speaking in the two years before he became a minister.

But the Lib Dem “sage” failed to avoid paying taxes on his soaring income as most of his government colleagues would have done.

If it is confirmed that Vince Cable has been willingly paying his taxes, it will be in direct defiance of ministerial practice and will be a major embarrassment for David Cameron’s coalition government.

A Tory party spokesman said:

We Tories would never dream of paying our taxes. We hide our earnings in offshore accounts so the tax man can’t get his grubby hands on them. It’s completely typical of a Lib’ Dem’ to irresponsibly be seen to be openly paying them.


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