2 thoughts on “donationpic”

  1. Gary Murray said:

    Absolutely disgraceful 😂😂


  2. This is shocking I appreciate that a lot of charities these days are struggling and need all the support they can get, but this is not their decision to make.

    I also understand and completely agree with their concern that giving someone a large amount of money with support needs can be extremely dangerous and more damaging, as he could be reckless on what he may choose to spend that on and how tempting it may be to buy drink and or drugs, so yeah agreed this is one hell of a gamble.

    However, operative word here in that previous sentence is ‘Choose’, he is an adult and has a ‘choice’ that should not be overwritten by another person or persons regardless of how vulnerable he may be. What he needs here is an appropriate advocate.

    This needs to be considered further. The charity’s views in my opinion seem completely one sided and completely clouded by judgement in their own favour with very little consideration to this man at all.

    Their are other considerations and solutions to manage this such as depositing the money in reasonable stages and referring this man to a social worker to assess and support him with this, managing his money, helping find accommodation and supporting him with any additional ongoing needs such as employment and helping him to function again within society.

    Whether this local charity likes it or not, they are not in a position to make that kind of decision for him.

    What about the ‘choices’ all of those people that ‘chose’ to donate their hard earned cash to this man’s cause and this mans cause alone? Failing to use ‘that’ money on ‘that’ particular cause is hugely misrepresentative and unfair in my opinion. I appreciate it is just an opinion of that which others may not share but just had to get on my little soap box about this because it does not seem right or fair to me.


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