Lib Dem candidate Tim Walker recently stood down in the ultra-marginal seat of Canterbury in favour of Labour anti-Brexiter Rosie Duffield.

He did this to make sure a Remain supporting MP was returned instead of the Brexit supporting Tory candidate.

The Lib Dem leadership however decided they prefer Brexit over supporting any Labour candidate – even a strong Remainer like Rosie – and tried desperately to persuade four other local Lib Dem hopefuls to stand against her instead.

They all refused.

So Swinson and Lib Dem HQ – against bitter protests from local Lib Dems – have parachuted into Canterbury a candidate not just from outside Canterbury – but from a completely different county altogether.

Take a bow Claire Malcomson, local luvvie and councillor on Mole Valley District Council (in Surrey) …

…  now Lib Dem parliamentary candidate for Canterbury (in Kent):

As an actress, I’m sure Clare will be able to get the Kent accent down to T in time for door knocking – starting tomorrow.