


Our media is not fit for purpose.

More than ever we need an independent media in this country – to help hold power to account.

To achieve this, we need media that is truly free of corporate and government influence – especially their money, and their power.

That’s why I am proud to be part of a group of independent media organisations who are setting up The Media Fund.

You can get a lot more detailed information about the project here:

The Media Fund: help finance the UKs media revolution

With a little funding, I am personally aiming to launch a new investigative organisation – Torchlight UK – which will be attempting to shine a light into the dark corners of the UK establishment, revealing and making public hidden connections between UK politicians, media and big business.

Please help by either making a donation to the fund, or help spread the word by sharing this article – as well as these links on social media:

Crowdfunder – Media Fund

Twitter – Media Fund

Facebook – Media Fund

Thank you.