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Here’s a video made by documentary film maker Yannis Mendez – who was following and filming Jeremy Corbyn on the infamous ‘traingate‘ Virgin Train – clearly showing there were no free seats available:

A closer study of the CCTV footage released by Virgin itself – which supposedly shows Corbyn walking by ’empty’ seats – actually confirms the Corbyn team’s claims that they were occupied by children or reserved with luggage:

traingate 4

Virgin Trains and Richard Branson also claimed that there were unreserved seats available in coach H on the train Jeremy Corbyn said was “ram packed”:

traingate 1

But coach H is not just a passenger coach. Here’s a tweet from Virgin Trains confirming coach H is the food coach:

traingateAnd further study of the video Virgin itself released clearly shows the coach was indeed the food bar and therefore had few seats available for passengers:

traingate 2

Other passengers on the train at the time also confirm Corbyn was offered seats by Virgin staff only after he had had to sit on the floor for some time, and that the train was indeed ram packed:


So. Either Virgin Trains and Richard Branson got a bit mixed up with their times and ‘forgot’ where their own food coach is.

Or  is – oh what’s that technical word for this kind of thing?

Oh yes, that’s right.



PS.  Can’t for the life of me think why Branson would want to lie about a Labour leader pledged to bring UK railways back into public ownership:

traingate 3

PPS. Also looks like Virgin and Branson may have broken the law. More info here.
