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If you want to know what’s in store for us in the next wave of Tory ‘reforms’, it’s always handy to take a close look at the Conservative Party’s main activist magazine Conservative Home.

Troublingly, two articles written recently by Conservative Home’s influential assistant editor Henry Hill, have proposed getting rid of retirement:

“The entire concept of ‘a retirement’ is, after all, an artefact of the welfare system.”

scrapping pensions:

“As medical advances help us stay active longer, the expectation in the future must surely be that whilst you can work, you work – unless you can save enough to pay for a period of idleness yourself.”

and replacing GPs and other doctors with untrained volunteers:

“85 per cent of a typical doctor’s work can be done perfectly well by a ‘physician’s assistant’ with a fraction of the training or wages. Volunteers would receive pay, training, and legal rights to take time out of their ‘civilian’ life to work for so many weeks of the year in the NHS.”

I’m not making any of this up. Read it and weep:

We should face up to the end of ‘retirement’

How a Government can beat the BMA


henry hill

Henry Hill lives in Hertfordshire