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Hot on the heels of the shameful bullying allegations around the death of a young party activist, yet more charges of bullying are emerging against leading members of the Tory Party.

This time Lucy Allan – Tory MP for Telford – has been recorded screaming at a young woman employee who had been signed off sick by her doctor:

“You are on a temporary contract. You are not protected by the law. You do not have 12 months’ service. If you sign yourself off sick … the only option will be to dismiss you.

This gloating by a Tory MP about the fact that workers have no legal protection comes as new research shows that 14 million people faced debt problems in the last year directly related to the fact they are on temporary, part-time or zero hours contracts:

  • 1.26 million people now are forced to work part time because they can’t get a full time job
  • 565,000 work a temporary job because they can’t get a permanent job
  • 790,000 people now are forced to work on zero hour contracts as their main job

And the Tories claim to be on the side of working people …

P.S. Lucy has also been in the news recently after she was accused of faking a death threat from a constituent:

Tory MP – accused of faking death threat – releases and then deletes patronising video