(not satire – it’s the UK today!)

A spokesman for the Charity Commission has given a strong statement concerning four charities which supposedly signed a pro-Tory letter in the Daily Telegraph:

“Signing a letter in support of a political party is not a legitimate activity for a charity. We will be writing to all four charities to establish the facts and expect them to remedy the situation swiftly if they have not done so already. The commission will decide what further action, if any, is necessary once the charities have responded.”

One of the charities – Diverse Cymru – has already asked the newspaper to delete its name from the letter, which it says was included “in error” – but their requests have so far been ignored by both the Tories and the Telegraph.

More details here:

Charity Commission writes to four charities that signed pro-Tory letter in The Daily Telegraph


Related articles by Tom Pride:

Company demands Tories remove director’s signature from business letter

Tories the party of business? Nope. More business owners support Labour


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