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(not satire – it’s the UKIP!)

UKIP’s new friends in Europe – members of the Polish KNP party – think disability is an “epidemic” and disabled people shouldn’t be seen on television because we should see only “healthy, beautiful, strong and wise people on our screens“.

The leader of the KNP – Janusz Korwin-Mikke – wrote the disturbing views on his blog.

But because his words were in Polish, it got little attention in the UK, even when Nigel Farage decided to ally himself in the EU with the far-right party.

Here’s an article in English with quotes from Korwin-Mikke’s blog:

korwin mikke disabled

Mikke also likes to give Nazi salutes in public.

Nigel’s allies in Europe have some pretty disgusting views on other things too.

Here are just a few of them:

“Democracy is the stupidest form of government ever conceived.”

“Women are dumber than men and should not be allowed to vote”

“Evolution has ensured that women are not too intelligent”

“The European Commission building should be turned into a brothel.”

“Gays are a gang of louts imported from abroad.”

And here you can see Janusz Korwin-Mikke clearly using the word ‘n*ggers‘ in the European parliament:


Well done Nigel. You’ve just confirmed once and for all every accusation there has ever been of racism, sexism and homophobia against UKIP.

But of course, Farage will get into bed with anyone if £1 million of European Parliament gravy train money is at stake.



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