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(not satire – it’s the UK today!)

I think MPs might have just shot themselves in the foot.

Because they’ve decided that Sodexo – the private French company which supervises 150,000 medium and low-risk offenders on probation each year – can make nearly 34% of probation officers redundant and replace them with ATM-style electronic kiosks.

Surely if important jobs like keeping track of offenders can be done by machine – people who just turn up occasionally and mindlessly vote in parliament exactly how they’re told to vote by their party bosses can be replaced by machine too?

And just think. It’ll save the taxpayer £498.4m a year in running costs for parliament, not to mention the £98.1 million MPs cost us in expenses every year, plus the massive costs of their salaries and pensions.

And while we’re at it, we could also replace peers in the House of Lords with machines.

After all, it can’t be that hard to make a machine which can turn up for a few hours a week, do nothing but drink wine all day and fall asleep.

Can it?


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