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(not satire – it’s Nick Clegg!)

Now this is interesting.

Nick Clegg is the candidate most likely to lie in order to win the 2015 General Election, according to detailed psychometric and qualitative profiling of the main general election party leaders using data captured and analysed using the Praditus Motivation Archetypes Model, which investigates internal narrative by looking at an individual’s needs, knowledge and values.

Praditus analysed the communication strategies of each candidate using data from personal discourses collected throughout the Election campaign. The company then ranked each candidate by individual, social and intuitive values, determining how each would act in scenarios, including the upcoming TV debates.

Here are the results on ‘most likely to lie‘ for each leader (click to enlarge):

leaders lies

Praditus also used the same model to predict the behaviour and performance of each candidate in the upcoming TV debates, which revealed: 

David Cameron 

  • Will do well by frontally challenging opponents
  • Likely to insist in his ability to lead and perform in the position
  • Drive to win may seem aggressive and off-putting

Ed Miliband 

  • Will likely struggle to maintain his audience
  • May show difficulty in thinking on his feet
  • Focus on the people’s best interest may win him supporters

Nick Clegg 

  • Will mark good points in a diplomatic and persuasive way
  • Approach may be considered softer and sometimes manipulative
  • Some may see him as a loner or eccentric

Nigel Farage 

  • Will likely use sports or popular quotes to engage the audience
  • Will play the game with accessible discourses to attract the working class population
  • May be strict in his definition of what ideas are valid and applicable to all

I’m tempted to say that for some of us, the news that Nick Clegg is a liar is nothing particularly new.

But it’s nice to have it scientifically confirmed.


You can take the Praditus personality test yourself here:



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