

(not satire – it’s the Tories!)

Tory Party chairman Grant Shapps thinks the recession we’ve been experiencing for the last 7 years is like ‘an amusement ride’.

He also suggests struggling families can survive the recession by investing in real estate, futures or bonds, eating ice cream and taking regular skiing holidays!

Obviously when people are actually struggling to feed their families, he wouldn’t dare say such an outrageous thing under his own name for fear it would affect his party’s electoral prospects.

So he didn’t.

He said it under his pseudonym, Michael Green, instead.

Michael Green refers to himself as ‘a successful online marketer’,  ‘marketing guru’ and states ‘his wealth is such that he actually flies his very own personal plane and also lives in a fabulous mansion’.

But Grant Shapps, the Tory Party co-chairman, has admitted Michael Green is the pseudonym he uses to separate his business activities (which have been having some serious difficulties) from his political activities.

Mr Green/Shapps has produced what he calls a ‘self-help guide for negotiating your way to better times’ called ‘How To Bounce Back From Recession‘.

It can be downloaded for free from here if you want a copy:


In this strange document, Shapps likens the recession to an ‘amusement ride’ – and he also offers invaluable tips for the unemployed to survive hard times and feed their families.

Tips such as:

  • Invest in real estate, futures or bonds
  • Buy a house or vehicle
  • Borrow money from a bank
  • Take a skiing holiday (I’m not making this up, really)
  • Learn to knit or play guitar
  • Treat yourself to an ice-cream

So thanks to Mr Shapps invaluable advice – we as a nation now know where we’re going wrong when it comes to making ends meet.

Struggling families are not buying nearly enough houses, going skiing enough or eating enough ice-cream.

Talk about out-of-touch Tories ……….


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