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(not satire – it’s the UK today)

The Daily Mail obviously didn’t manage to put two and two together when it tried desperately to find someone to blame for patients of the Sunbury Health Centre in Surrey having to queue from dawn for hours in the rain just to see their GP.

Well, how about this guy:


He’s the local MP for the area, Kwasi Kwarteng, Tory MP for the Spelthorne constituency in which the Sunbury Health Centre is situated and a rising star of the Tory Party.

Kwasi co-authored a book called ‘Britannia Unchained‘, which became the bible for the coalition government’s regime of austerity measures and cuts to frontline services such as the NHS:

Britannia Unchained

In fact, Kwasi himself has openly stated that NHS and healthcare services should not be ring-fenced from the coalition’s cuts:

Tory MP Kwasi Kwarteng: we shouldn’t rule out NHS cuts

All I can say is, I hope Kwasi’s constituents reflect very hard while they are queuing from dawn in the rain to see a doctor about exactly who they should blame for their appalling situation.

Especially when it comes to voting on May the 7th next year.


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