(not satire – it’s the BBC!)

Have a look at the extraordinary last paragraph of this article on the NHS, in which the BBC is clearly reporting pure government propaganda as fact:

BBC: The Conservative and Lib Dem coalition government has increased NHS spending each year during the current Parliament and both parties are committed to the founding values of the NHS that no-one, regardless of income, should be deprived of the best care.

Now compare these quotes from Tory Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt from a couple of years ago and the (strangely anonymous) BBC reporter’s (supposed) own words from the article:

bbc hunt quotes


These are not facts. They are the opinions of a government minister being reported as facts by the BBC. And they’re not even true.

That’s not news. It’s propaganda.


But this is the supposedly unbiased and impartial BBC we’re talking about.


Thanks to Eoin Clarke for the heads up on this.

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