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(not satire – it’s the UKIP!)

According to the UKIP Education spokesman and party MEP Derek Clark, UKIP will ban the teaching of climate change in UK schools:

…. all teaching of global warming being caused in any way by carbon dioxide emissions must also be banned.

This is because Clark – and presumably all the rest of his colleagues in the UKIP – believe that:

There is no evidence that global warming is happening….


Oh dear. Looks like it might be time to get the tin foil hats out again folks.


Related articles by Tom Pride:

Nigel Farage was thrown out of a pub in Bath today

Supposedly unemployed British builder used in UKIP poster is an Irish actor

Irrefutable statistical proof that bovine TB is caused by UKIP support and not badgers

Nigel Farage expels entire UKIP membership for bringing party into disrepute

The UKIP suspend member until his 163rd birthday (not satire!)

Best of Twitter reaction to UKIP councillor’s rant about gay marriage causing floods

UKIP Cllr who called care children ‘takers’ got state grants for his own children

Nigel Farage, the Tea Party Godfather and the man who tried to trash the pound. Twice.

Bananas, nuts and racist fruitcakes express outrage at being compared to UKIP

UKIP chairman – every UK city should have 1 or 2 ‘holding’ camps for immigrants

If UKIP is so bloody libertarian – why has it said nothing against secret courts?

UKIP and a little matter of bestiality and necrophilia …..


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