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(not satire – it’s the UKIP!)

UPDATE – Oh dear. The infamous Westboro Baptist Church have tweeted that they endorse UKIP because of this story. Get out of that one Nigel:

Westboro supports and UKIP


UKIP councillor David Silvester – who resigned from the Tory Party over gay marriage – has written a letter to his local newspaper blaming the recent flooding across Britain on same sex marriage.

The letter appears in the Henley Standard but has not appeared online. Requests to the newspaper for a copy of the letter have gone so far unheeded.

So here’s the letter in full taken from photographs of the hard copy taken by Tamsin Borlase and posted on Twitter – big thanks to her:

UKIP gay marriage flooding


I hope Nigel Farage finds something more substantial than a tin-foil hat to protect him against the fallout from this kind of nasty homophobic nonsense still lurking in the ranks of his party.


Related articles by Tom Pride:

Best of Twitter reaction to UKIP councillor’s rant about gay marriage causing floods

Nigel Farage expels entire UKIP membership for bringing party into disrepute

See UKIP supporters’ reaction to Nigel Farage’s call to let Syrian refugees into UK

UKIP Cllr who called care children ‘takers’ got state grants for his own children

UKIP supporters desecrate graves with swastikas

Nigel Farage, the Tea Party Godfather and the man who tried to trash the pound. Twice.

Bananas, nuts and racist fruitcakes express outrage at being compared to UKIP

UKIP chairman – every UK city should have 1 or 2 ‘holding’ camps for immigrants

If UKIP is so bloody libertarian – why has it said nothing against secret courts?

UKIP and a little matter of bestiality and necrophilia …..


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