(not satire – it’s the UK today!)

Diplomatic experts are puzzled by a very strange diplomatic incident which occurred at Heathrow airport a couple of days ago.

In an unprecedented diplomatic action by UK border police, Lech Walesa the Nobel Prize laureate and ex-President of Poland was halted and searched by UK border guards as he arrived at Heathrow airport. Walesa complained that his bags were opened and his underwear pulled out for all to see. He called the actions of the UK border police ‘humiliating’

The incident has been widely reported in Poland, but has hardly warranted a mention in the UK press, this Telegraph article being a notable exception:

Lech Walesa ‘will never return to London’ after being searched at Heathrow

I assure you, this incident really is very odd. It’s normal practice for diplomatic VIPs from EU countries to be allowed to enter the country without being stopped and having their bags searched.

After all, what on earth do the border guards think they’ll find among the 70-year-old Lech Walesa’s underwear – bomb making equipment or Al Qaeda propaganda?

This action occurred at exactly the same time as the Cameron government announced a charm offensive aimed at the Chinese Communist leadership in Beijing – a charm offensive which includes the present high level visit by Cameron, Osborne and Boris Johnson as well as the announcement of a new visa system aimed at attracting rich Chinese visitors and Chinese government officials to Britain.

Walesa has been a long-standing thorn in the side of the Chinese government. Not least because he is seen as the person who brought about the destruction of the Soviet Communist system but also because he has openly supported Chinese dissidents and human rights activists.

Walesa regularly invites Chinese dissidents to his native Poland and when Chinese human rights activist Liu Xiaobo was prevented from collecting his Nobel peace Prize in 2010 by a furious Chinese government – Walesa infuriated the Chinese even more by offering to collect the prize for him.

Is his diplomatic humiliation a coincidence?

Or is Cameron and our coalition government so desperate to attract Chinese investment to the UK – they are prepared to do the bidding of the Communist dictators in Beijing in order to silence voices speaking up against human rights abuses in China?


Related articles by Tom Pride:

Satire like Porn? How 3UK are bringing Chinese-style political censorship of web to UK

The government’s allowing our water, gas and electricity to be sold to the Chinese and no-one seems to be noticing

Never mind a UK referendum on ceding power to Brussels. What about China?


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