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(not it’s not satire – honestly)

Oooh it’s starting to get nasty in the shires and villages of rural England.

There are several shocking reports in local newspapers of Tory and UKIP supporters stealing each other’s election boards!

There’s this from the Rugby Advertiser:

Election board theft shows ‘someone is worried by UKIP’

And this from the Northampton Chronicle and Echo:

Tories and UKIP clash over roadside adverts in south Northamptonshire

Whatever next? Pamphlets at dawn? Blazers at high noon?

I say chaps – stop this at once. It’s just not cricket, dash it.


Related articles by Tom Pride:

UKIP candidate – physical exercise prevents homosexuality (no – not satire)

Bananas, nuts and fruitcakes express outrage at being compared to UKIP members

UKIP chairman – every UK city should have 1 or 2 ‘holding’ camps for immigrants

Cameron must be balder to counter UKIP threat say senior Tory slapheads

Tory BigWig Michael Fabricant Calls for Pact with UKIP to Protect Closet Racists in Both Parties

Shock as fringe, right-wing “Tory” party comes 3rd in Eastleigh by-election

UKIP candidate – UK dinners flooded by criminal gangs of eastern European horses

If UKIP is so bloody libertarian – why has it said nothing against secret courts?

Government ministers announce plan to deter immigrants to UK by making it shit

See sample of new negative ads about UK for Romania and Bulgaria

Oops! Daily Mail gets British immigration test wrong

Daily Mail – Outrage As Number Of UK Immigrants On Podiums Hits Record Levels!

UKIP and a little matter of bestiality and necrophilia …..


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