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(not satire – it’s UKIP!)

It’s getting even more difficult than usual to be satirical now that UKIP have got such a ripe bunch of fruitcakes standing for them in the local elections next week.

I’m a bit spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a good example of UKIP’s most rabidly loony candidates but I’ve decided to pick John Sullivan – many thanks to Gay Star News for the heads up on this one.

John Sullivan – UKIP candidate in the Forest of Dean and West Gloucestershire county council elections – says that more rigorous physical exercise in schools will prevent homosexuality.

Here’s his Facebook post where he makes the comment:

John Sullivan UKIP homosexualityIf I didn’t know he was for real, I would have thought Sullivan was a satirist doing a great impression of a blustering, pigheaded Colonel Blimp type caricature.

But he’s not. He’s for real.

For more on Mr Sullivan’s loony ideas, have a look at Gay Star News’ original article and another article by EDL News which includes some more bonus loony UKIP fruitcakes too.


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